What should I do about homeschooling?

- in PlayStation

I have a problem. My brother is at a different school and therefore leaves school earlier while I have 2 more hours of school. And he moved his gaming PC to his room, which is right next to mine. The problem is that every time I'm in the videoconference he plays something on his Playstation and it throws me out of the conference and I just can't afford it, especially in the majors. I've already talked to my parents about it, but every time he ignores it and plays anyway. Is there anything i can do?

(I know that it may be difficult to find a solution, but I look forward to every answer)


Just go in with your cell phone


You could hide his Playstation or ask your parents to buy you their own PC or laptop if things don't get better.


If that happens, unplug the router from the power cord. Then it throws him out of the game and all unsaved things are lost. Do this until he respects that he shouldn't gamble if you have to do something important on the internet. That's how I raised my brother back then 😂


If you have nice neighbors, please describe the situation to them and ask if you could possibly have their Wi-Fi pw… If you say that it is because of the school then maybe they allow it…


Is there anything i can do?

Check the bandwidth of the Internet or the router.

If it throws you off the Internet, if he is also playing on the Playstation, something seems to be wrong…

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