Is homeschooling still right school?

- in PlayStation

Due to the current situation, I will have distance lessons again from today until the holidays.

My parents say that for various reasons I'm not allowed to gamble during school time (PS4), which I understand. Since I now have distance lessons and can therefore no longer get grades until the holidays and the homework, if it hadn't been checked, (mostly) I think it's already half the vacation.

On average we have a video conference in 2 hours a day and otherwise I need half an hour for HA and Co.

Now I asked my mother if I could and she said no straight away, because according to her it is still school. But I think that this is not the case and I insisted on gambling. Now she freaked out and said I shouldn't show myself up for the moment and play quietly the whole time.

Do you think my insistence on gambling is justified or do you understand my mum's reaction?


No and yes!


How do you mean?


I understand you can do it in the afternoons or evenings when the time when school would normally be over is over. I'm only allowed to use my cell phone for 30 minutes a day and I'm not allowed to be in my room.


This is not half a vacation because you should bring the lesson just as close to you as when you go to school. This is called independent learning. The ability is very important at the latest in the course of study.


No to the first part of your question, and yes to the second part of your question.




No, that's what I meant… I don't want to be in regular school time but in the afternoon / evening


What do you mean by that




Ah ok then I would wait until the weekend, I think you are allowed to do that right?


It's crazy


Why are you laughing


Ah ok now I understand.


But not everyone studies.


Yes, then it's vacation time, then I can


Sorry, maybe the answer was a bit clumsy, but I thought to myself, that's already clear and then I didn't want to "mess around" any further!


It depends on you as a person, when I'm done with something or something is irrelevant to me, then I'll just gamble. If I need / don't know then I take care. Since I don't know you as a person, I don't know if I would consider allowing gaming to make sense, but home schooling is still school.

However, the mother's behavior is more childish, although of course I don't know if it really was like that.


What doesn't change the fact that you repeatedly come across situations in life where self-study is expected. To abuse this situation through Corona in order to lie on the lazy skin does not exactly show that one can think well.

It is not for nothing that the schools have only been closed at the last minute, because far too many pupils are lazy instead of showing responsible initiative.


To abuse this situation through Corona to lie on your lazy skin

The FS hadn't even planned to do that. He specifically said he just wanted to play something in the evening - not even for hours.

Everyone has to switch off from time to time. Or do you work 24/7?


Homeschooling is real school. There's no gaming.


Explain to me why different rules should apply now than during the times of classroom teaching?


And do you spend your 30 minutes on the website? It's really hard to imagine… And why is it that your cell phone time is so short?


I just did that.

Everyone has to switch off from time to time. Or do you work 24/7?

The FS hadn't even planned to do that. He specifically said he just wanted to play something in the evening - not even for hours.


Are you already an adult or a student like me and is it your current opinion?


You really try to explain something to all the pensioners


Then the other way around. Obviously the FS doesn't have a problem with relaxing when he goes to school. Why is there suddenly an increased need?


After all, the many retirees took school seriously in the past.


The need will be there beforehand. But it is basically (in my opinion unjustified) completely forbidden. He just asked if he could do it now. And freaking out about it is not acceptable to my mother.


Ah yes, so you used to work non-stop 24/7 and never did anything to relax that was fun? Respect. Then I'm not surprised that people react so negatively to today's youth.


In the past there was no homeschooling or so much technology, you can't compare that time with today


Apparently yes. But it would certainly not be a problem for her if he read a book in the evening, which also has nothing to do with school…


Nowadays, those who are of retirement age could not bog for hours in front of game consoles with no horsepower. They didn't exist back then.

Again: It's school time, no vacation. That doesn't change the fact that the same rules now apply as if face-to-face lessons were possible.

On average we have a video conference in 2 hours a day and otherwise I need half an hour for HA and Co.

And for the rest of the school time, which is set according to the timetable, he should take care of school content at home so that he is up to date at the end of the school year

The mother finally gave in with a fitting sentence. The FS really only wants to get a justification for its behavior here, nothing more. And that's not something from me.

Apart from that, you've been registered here since mid-May. You should actually have noticed all the whining of all those students who stupidly viewed the non-presence time at the 1st lockdown as a vacation.

Because I had bad grades and now no chance to improve because I have also wasted the only work we could write.


Modern times don't change anything that one has to work for school. Unfortunately, the Nuremberg funnel is still not functional. Thanks to modern times, many are able to maintain contact with teachers on video basis. That didn't exist in the past. You would have stood there alone and still would have been expected to have learned independently. And back then there was no internet help for today's pensioners either.

And now think further.

I see the current phase as a test for the students. If you do it well and diligently, there's a possibility that the lockdown will be extended to school lessons, which will probably be urgently needed.

If it works like the first lockdown, you can't actually cancel the classroom teaching. Unless you all want to do a lap of honor because due to the extremely high number of lessons lost, no grades can be given and the year has to be repeated.

You can't just pass almost all of them through for another year.

So just show that you can grow up and think like an adult.


I like to say it a third time. The FS never intended to "bog down" in the PC for hours. I would like to ask again the question: Would it bother if he read a book in the evening? Probably not. But also has nothing to do with school. Sorry, but that is absolutely not an argument. Nowadays the technology is simply there, and you don't get stupid if you relax for a few hours.

And for the rest of the school time, which is set according to the timetable, he should take care of school content at home

Again, gladly again: The FS never intended to play during class. So the rest of your text just doesn't make any sense, sorry.


Right, we would have been expected to have learned our school workload without all of the great resources that students have today.


I hope I won't get so bitter later


Typical answer when the arguments run out * laughing change


True story


I was not on the cell phone but on the computer. And I don't know why we're not allowed to be on the cell phone a lot, it's not my own cell phone either. I always want one, but I never get it…


How old are you, if I may ask?


10 and you


I'm about to be 16 … I had my first cell phone relatively early at 7, but I also know some who didn't have one until they were 10-11. White can be stupid but you will definitely get your own at some point and then you will appreciate it all the more.