Why am I jealous when others pet my animals?

- in PlayStation

Unfortunately, I do not know currently.

I have 3 guinea pigs for a long time, one of which died 2 months ago.

I like my animals a lot and deal with them a lot every day, every single one, especially a male, trusts me a lot.

They were a great help in difficult times, especially the male when her sister died, which was also my world.

Now I moved to my friend and live with him until I found an apartment myself. He is a single parent and has 3 children, between 9 and 14. I have been able to build my piggy here a nice home, unfortunately in the room of one of the daughters of my friend, otherwise walk around her dog.

To get to the point, I love my friend and his kids are the best, everyone can rummage in my clothes, go to my Ps4 and go everywhere with me, but I hate it more than anything, if someone puts my guinea pigs on the hand takes, sometimes strokes or touches. I then get jealous and I could even hand my friend away when he hits my guinea pigs again. I do not bring up the whole thing, because the children are so happy but. Urrgh. Why only?


First of all my condolences for your mouse 2 months ago.

Vlt. (!) Maybe (!) Because you could not experience enough love from your parents that would have built up enough of your self-confidence? You have found peace of mind in your dear animals and when you see, others play with them, do you feel as if they / important part of you are being taken away from you? That's a guess, it does not have to be right.


Vll because you were always there for them and can't bear it inside that your animals like another then just as much. Because you have a close bond with them.

Know that. Was the same with my cat.


Well, I was in the orphanage back then, have no contact with my parents. In fact I'm afraid to lose my little ones etc


I once knew the feeling - when my animals did not really hear me alone. So when I was a kid and my parents had bought my animals so to speak and also took over the financial. I felt that the animals did not really belong to me. Since I have my own herd of goats, which I take care of completely alone, finance, etc., I have no more problems with it, when friends have my animals.

Can it be that you are currently relinquishing part of the responsibility? That means the others feed your animals or take care of them when you're gone?

This has always triggered this feeling, I would like to be alone responsible, otherwise I do not feel that they are my animals.

If you have no possibility, you To put in your room? I also can't imagine that guinea pigs love it so much to be touched all the time, explain that to the children.


I do not like it at all, when the others feed them, etc, I also do not pay others for our animals


I'm sorry.


Thank you: 3

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