Graphics of FF9 and FF7 on PS4 out of focus and 'bad'?

- in PlayStation

I bought and downloaded the games Final Fantasy 9 and 7 (PS1 version) from the Playstation Store. But I remember the graphics of FF9 and 7 on Playstation 1 much better and in a lets play it looks better than mine. Am I doing something wrong? I took two photos with my smartphone.

Thank you for your opinion

Graphics of FF9 and FF7 on PS4 out of focus and bad Graphics of FF9 and FF7 on PS4 out of focus and bad - 1 Graphics of FF9 and FF7 on PS4 out of focus and bad - 2

This is this disgusting filter to make old games look "better". With some FF parts you can turn this off in the option, I don't know if that goes for the part you have to look in the settings.