Playstation 4 PRO LAN cable just works weird?

- in PlayStation

Suddenly while playing today, one of my friends from the party sounds like a robot. A few seconds later I was kicked out of the party, an error message came up that the other player, whom I heard normally, was leaving the party due to network problems.

But he had no problems, it was up to me. After trying a lot, like restarting the router and Playstation, using another LAN cable, it only got worse, even having problems even joining a party.

The LAN cable goes without problems on the computer and the PS4 Pro can be connected to WLAN normally without problems. It looks like the LAN cable connection is broken, just why or how? Out of nowhere? That strikes me as strange, are there any other reasons why it suddenly doesn't work? In addition, the console is just 2 months old.


Defective sockets are rather seldom log into the uter and delete your ps4 and then restart it. Maybe something has moved