Calculate the price; can jm

- in PlayStation

I'm stuck with this task. Can jm help me? Would be really nice.

This is the job:

In the same way, calculate the energy costs if you play the Ps4 pro for a whole night (9 hours)

This is my info;

The Ps4 has an output of 310W,

1kwh costs 0.25 euro (is and more up-to-date but I have to expect it)

The Ps4 consumes 1.395kwh in 4.5h and I have to have 9h so I guess it is 2.790kwh in 9h.

I just want to know how expensive these 2,790kwh are.

1kwh = 25ct

2,790kwh =?

Can you please tell me the solution so that I know how to calculate it?


An apple costs 25 cents and you have 2.79bla apples, how much do they cost?

How would you calculate that?


310W x 9h = 2790W = 2.79kWh

2.79kWh * 0.25 euro = 0.69 euro


Multiply 2.79 by 25 cents.

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