I can't access channels?

- in PlayStation

I can no longer call up channels on Youtube, but I'm on the Internet, but I can also watch videos from the home page, but when I search for a channel and then go to the channel (i.e. Not to video but to the channel) then there's an error occurred

I've already restarted my mobile phone, restarted my router, closed all pages and so on, but it doesn't work

And by the way, this is not only the case with my mobile phone, but also with the Playstation as soon as I call up a channel there's an error

Sometimes there's also a server problem {492}

If I press load 5 times I see KANAL for a moment but then it eats away

I can no longer watch channels, but I can watch videos from the homepage

What could that be?


Same here:/


I asked the same question about 15 minutes ago. I have exactly the same problem. One replied that he has the same problem only on the PC, but I'm on the phone. Something worse went wrong on YouTube. Unfortunately, I can't help you. Uninstalling is also useless. Have to wait. Tomorrow is a new day.



With me too. What's up on YouTube 😂😂😂


Ah ok I'm a bit calmer, hope everything will be back to normal soon


A friend of mine has the same problem only on the switch.


Ok, I thought I had an ip ban but now I'm reassured


I was thinking more of a virus.


I'm fine again, some intern must have pressed the wrong button.


Me too.