Question to all gamers women, girls, about consoles?

- in PlayStation

This time the question goes to women.

Before that, I have to say something here.


I value you women very much

I was always nice to my mom

I've always been kind to my sisters

I always take good care of my girlfriend and I would never forgive myself if something happened to her,

No woman should be neglected and misogyny when playing is not possible in my opinion,

I find that every woman looks good in her own way and have never really seen an ugly woman as all of them look good in my opinion,

I love this non-factual behavior

Every women's day is like a birthday to me


Seriously, except maybe the last one.

Some people are going to make the whole thing ridiculous, but I just wanted to get rid of that.

I like the Playstation 5, what do you like? 😅


Is prettier


But men should be neglected?


Now it should be about women.


So men are neglected




But? Did you just say it should only be about women so it shouldn't just be about women? What now?


What do you want to achieve? 😂


Clarity about your statement what is right now


The point is that women are always disadvantaged. He just wanted to show his respect for them. That doesn't mean he doesn't respect men. He was just referring to women just now


Oh come on, be honest, would a man or a woman be disadvantaged when gambling?


Always? Somehow not quite so but okay

He was just referring to women just now

yes that's what it was about the whole time that you know better than him what he is referring to and that you could answer it for me




I actually have something in my head that's called the brain

and it works too

and other people seem to have that too

with this brain you can think and so yk?

and i don't know what you play for games that you have such a big problem with gender but in games i play i never had the problem that women were excluded

but guess what I've seen Girls / Women only discord server several times but never men only server

that's just not a problem to mention


Apparently I was right. GalaxyPhone agreed with me after all. The only person who doesn't know what he's referring to is they hardware freak


You are behaving rather irrelevantly

I actually have something in my head called the brain and it works too and other people seem to have it too

with this brain you can think and so yk?


That is not irrelevant but simply a fact every person has a brain and every person who can think knows that women and men are equal


Ok? 😂

My question shouldn't be directed against any gender in case you're feeling offended in any way, but I just want to know what women have to say.


That's exactly what they are, the only question that arises is:

Why do you say men are disadvantaged / neglected


No, I'm not doing everything well, it doesn't make much sense to ask because you think the female gender is being neglected


Where did I say that?

i doubt i ever said that but nice random insinuation…


Women and men are treated equally

You are too😅. You troll or? No, I wouldn't notice that😂


Why am I trolling?

see for yourself what you say before you claim something

Oh come on, be honest, would a man or a woman be disadvantaged when gambling?

that shows that you think one of the two genders is preferred / disadvantaged otherwise the question 0 makes sense


Your opinion:/


No that can be seen in such a way ^^

