I have the following problem I have a lankabel s.Laptop connected but it is not recognized in the network connections I see nothing I would connect with wireless internet but the wlan is not enough in my room I have an Internet plug and a distributor so that I can ps4 and the tv can provide Internet and the laptop but actually iwi does not want to go jmd has an idea.
Is DHCP activated?
if not, what static IP address is configured in the computer?
How do you get the internet? There's usually a router available, because the LAN cable has a connection to the router?
Or, in other words, is the TV going from the "internet plug" to the internet?
Pooh how can I look it up?
The wireless is not up to you, but a cable goes from you to the router? How long is the cable?
Do you have windows, mac or linux?
Win 10
He has an ominous "Internet plug"!
Oh, I sort of faded out.
What happens if he disconnects PS4 and instead goes to the computer? That's how I would start.
Press the win button and r. Enter in the window cmd and in the black window then ipconfig -all
then copy it in here or take a screenshot of it, but from the whole issue
Write me times in fb can't insert a picture and not copy it Would be friendly https://web.facebook.com/ihogxbigsmoky
Make just from the phone hotspot would be nice if you could write me
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17763.379]
(c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C: \ Users \ iHoGx> ipconfig -all
C: \ Users \ iHoGx>
C: \ Users \ iHoGx> ipconfig -all
Windows IP Configuration
Hostname…: DESKTOP-T194QO1
Primary DNS suffix…:
Node Type…: Hybrid
IP routing enabled…: no
WINS proxy enabled…: no
Wireless LAN adapter LAN connection * 1:
Media Status…: Medium separated
Connection-specific DNS suffix:
Description…: Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter
Physical address…: 84-A6-C8-A9-E2-24
DHCP enabled…: Yes
Autoconfiguration enabled…: Yes
Wireless LAN adapter LAN connection * 2:
Media Status…: Medium separated
Connection-specific DNS suffix:
Description…: Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter # 2
Physical address…: 86-A6-C8-A9-E2-23
DHCP enabled…: Yes
Autoconfiguration enabled…: Yes
Wireless LAN adapter WLAN:
Connection-specific DNS suffix:
Description…: Intel (R) Centrino (R) Wireless-N 2230
Physical address…: 84-A6-C8-A9-E2-23
DHCP enabled…: Yes
Autoconfiguration enabled…: Yes
Link-local IPv6 address. : fe80 :: 7cfe: b341: 76e0: 62f6% 10 (Preferred)
IPv4 address…: (Preferred)
Subnet mask…:
Lease received…: Monday, March 25, 2019 15:40:12
Lease expires…: Tuesday, March 26, 2019 16:48:22
Default gateway…:
DHCP server…:
DHCPv6-IAID…: 109356744
DHCPv6 client DUID…: 00-01-00-01-24-27-E8-78-84-A6-C8-A9-E2-23
DNS server…:
NetBIOS over TCP / IP…: Enabled
Ethernet adapter Bluetooth network connection:
Media Status…: Medium separated
Connection-specific DNS suffix:
Description…: Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network)
Physical address…: 84-A6-C8-A9-E2-27
DHCP enabled…: Yes
Autoconfiguration enabled…: Yes
C: \ Users \ iHoGx>