Falsifying ID card Self-experiment Criminal offense?

- in PlayStation

I did a self-experiment for a YouTube channel on how easy it is to forge an identity card in the digital space… I also used it for the age verification of PlayStation and Amazon and co. Tested and it worked… Of course only on test accounts. Do I not make a criminal offense if I upload it?


Logical. That is fraud and forgery.


Even if it is "just" a self-experiment, it is / was a criminal act (forgery of documents or forgery of documents).


Criminal offenses remain criminal offenses, even if they are only "tried out". You can also try out what it's like to sell drugs. Is also a crime


Yes, it is a criminal offense. This is not only punishable when you upload the video, but now that you have both made and used a fake.


You can change and forge documents however you want, as long as you do not intend to use them to deceive in legal traffic or even use them to deceive.

Popular example of an unpunished document:

The elderly lady wants to impress her younger lover and forges her date of birth in an ID card, making herself younger.

Although she has forged a document, there's no deception in legal transactions, so that there's no criminal document.

Incidentally, the smart user does not need to falsify identification data, he calculates the security numbers himself.


Let's assume (I'm not saying that I did it, it's a theory) if I sent this Uaweiß picture to verify my age on a website. Where you can buy things from 18 (nich sexual lul) and this was accepted. The terms and conditions state that the copies will be destroyed after verification. If they do save it, would it be usable in court? Actually not because it is illegally obtained evidence


You should justify the fraud based on the question.


That's what I mean, that's what I did and then tested these digits at Ps and Amazon and they logically worked