How can I find a time capsule in Subnautica?

- in PlayStation

I have a question about Subnautica. I play on the PS4, because the game is there on 04.12.2018. I play it myself since 23.12.2018. On the PC, however, it came out on 23.01.2018. So far, I have not been able to find time capsules on the PS4 that are supposed to exist in the game.

I saw on a Let's Player that he found her. Now the question is: Did not I find it on PS4 because it's not been there so long (the game)? It may also be that I'm just too blind.


They are absolutely random placed on the map, you can't search specifically.
I myself have after 70 hours (or 100, if you calculate the time in the beta, in which, however, there were no capsules) so far only found 2

One under the Sunbeam the other in the Grassy Plateaus. But as I said, not specifically looking for it, that does not help. You may eventually come across one.


Thank you for your answer. I just thought that I have not found any, because the game on the PS4 is not so long outside.


Do not worry, they are also available on the PS4 version.


Thank you.


So I found 2 so far. So they definitely exist.

I think that they do not have fixed places but are scattered indiscriminately on the map.