Can't enter Subnautica codes?

- in PlayStation

Well i have a ps4 and subnautica for it, i'm on an exploration tour and i'm at the first door where you can enter the code, i found the code as pda and everything, but i can't enter the code at the door, this is it 1453 code how do i do dat?


There are 3 cods if I remember correctly. That'll be the wrong door that doesn't belong to the code


Well, I just can't enter a code, or do I have to find the pda and the code is entered automatically? I just can't press numbers.


Are you there on the ship / the aurora?

If so, there are 3 doors where you have to enter a code by hand beforehand. You can also find them on the Internet and don't have to get them from a PDA file beforehand.


Yes, I'm aware of that, but how can I enter it? So how do I manage that numbers are entered at the doors, or in the input fields next to the doors, no matter which button I press, no number is entered, nothing, as if it were just a graphical representation of no use, you know what i mean? 😅


Well, it worked for me ^^

Belief behind the doors is mostly just furniture anyway. Except for the last one.


With the playstation with the left or right hand, actually? Oh man, does that mean I might have to restart?


Played it on the PC. In any case, you can't finish the game without the last room. Search times on Youtube Aurora Codes. Then you see how it is done and simply press all the buttons.