Run out with newspaper Earn 400 euro?

- in PlayStation

Hi I'm 14 and I live in Frankfurt. I heard that you can earn a lot of money in frankfurt with newspaper, I need 500-600 euro for the ps5 in a few months. So I wanted to ask if you can get a lot of money as a newspaper publisher in Frankfurt.


That is a lot, but it is already possible. Depending on how many newspapers you have and how they are paid for.


If you have 200 newspapers, how much do you get in Frankfurt each month


Since I don't live in Frankfurt, I can't tell you that. That is different, every newspaper publisher can regulate it themselves.


So with 14 you can earn 300 to 400 euro a month


Yes, but then you have been traveling for some time. However, if you have a few large houses in your area, it is of course a little faster than if you have many single-family houses.


Could you earn 500 to 600 euro from July to December?


That should be possible. That's just under 200 euro a month, that's not that much.


So I could easily buy the ps5 or


If you already save the money. You can't just spend it beforehand.


Is 200 euro a month a lot or a little


Depending on the newspaper, this is a merit that should be possible.

Another tip. You certainly have a free newspaper for all households, which always comes on Thursdays (?). This is usually better paid for. With us this is the weekly newspaper and everyone gets it, even those who have "no advertising" on the mailbox.


Must be on Thursday, how much do you earn


This newspaper must always be distributed on Thursdays (at least with us). It takes a little longer at the beginning, but it gets faster with time. It took me about 2 hours to do this. Did that for a few years and got about 150 - 200 euro a month.


You can find information here.

But it won't be 400 to 500 euro.


And 300 euro a month?


Read what is in the link


Maybe you still have old consoles or something that you could sell and no longer need


I have my ps4 that I want to sell


It doesn't say how much you get in a month


It's worth it because the Playstation doesn't have to dust it on the shelf and I've heard that you can also play your Ps4 titles on the Ps5




Of course it says there. Just have to calculate.


Can you better look again on the Internet I only know that digital games continue to run via the Playstation account but I don't know about the CD


And if I don't work one hour but two hours, you get about 18 euro


What kind of newspapers do you want to deliver? Brochures or a daily newspaper?


Daily newspaper is from 18 or not


So if I work e.g. Two hours and then I get 18.70 euro and I work 10 times a month and then I have 187 euro or a month. And if you only work for an hour you get 97.07 euro or a month


At 14 years of age you would not have to be there anyway. At 3 AM you have to go to 6 AM.

depending on what you carry out when you want to get 300 euro, you have to fill out some, everyone pays differently. I once carried out the classifieds newspaper from a daily newspaper about 150 newspapers a. Carrying out 20 euro each once drove the price up a bit, because nobody else had it

in another district that's what I call 360 newspapers, it was about 5 hours away. Must get out in wind and weather

know someone who lives from the daily newspapers and the advertisement newspapers

but that should have been going on for a long time like a couple of months otherwise you won't get the job

hope helped


Also come from Frankfurt, but I doubt something that it will be 500 euro.


You can earn 500 euro in 5 months


Why, do you get 500 euro in 5 months so does that work?


I think it depends on how often you do this a week.


If you go once a week, you can earn 500 euro in 5 months


Then you should get 25 euro per discharge. I think that's pretty unlikely. When you take out the newspaper, you get more than 10 euro or so. But i don't know.


Can you earn 100-200 euro a month?


Most get over 130 euro a month


@ Berkan857

yes this is possible depending on how many newspapers you have to deliver

100 euro plus or a little less per month

When you have the opportunity to hold Bild am Sonntag is the best paid. Depending on the number of newspapers you get 20 euro and more every Sunday