Why is the image of a training so bad, I did it and study now and am only at an advantage over my old classmates?

- in PlayStation

At the age of 15, I decided to do an apprenticeship as a mechanical technician. Thanks to the all-inclusive training system, you can also do the Abitur in addition to your education. Now I'm 20, have a vocational training, high school diploma and 35,000 euro on the passbook and study now since September mechanical engineering. I have been working full-time until recently but have given up the job because I'm entitled to a scholarship because I worked for 4 years. I get 1200 euro from the AMS https://www.ams.at/arbeitsuchende/aus-und-weiterbildung/so-foerdern-wir-ihre-aus--und-weiterbildung-/fachkraeftestipendium and 200 euro from the tax office child allowance. So 1400 euro for nothing. I used to work for 38.5h for 1800 euro.

I used to be ridiculed and labeled as "stupid" as. I wanted to do an apprenticeship that only "main students" do that. Now I'm sitting with some from my old high school class at college and laughing at me dead.

I've got 35,000 euro on the savings account recently at the bank 5000 euro in security funds and income funds put in +75 fund savings. Incidentally, I now save 400 euro on the savings account and 100 euro building society savings and as a "student" Even my banker has pulled the hat in front of me. In addition, I now live alone in a 350 euro apartment and. Does she have to come with me. Never share.

Of course I could only save so much in my education because my mother did not ask for rent or expenses and that as. Single mother. The house was paid off, we were fine, but still nothing was given to me. Playstation phone etc I had to buy myself. I've saved away 70% of my salary including vacation and Christmas bonus + I've got several bonuses.

I wonder why someone is still in the shoes today? I can study everything I want with the Abi but only get money for technical studies from the state.

So I have everything strategically. Done right and do not know why that


Yet again?

Troll you…


I think it's because some do not know that you can make up for the Abi. I did not know it then, for example. My parents talked badly about others who "only" went to secondary school or junior high school.

I first learned that this is possible when I met my friend. He did it like you did and now studies as well.


Exactly. It only has clear advantages that cliché it just for stupid. Is true but if you have something in the pear. Has and knows that you can do the Abbe istbes certainly the best solution


I did it like you do and do not regret it.

The bad image comes simply because for years the trend to study is growing and at the same time there's a need for highly qualified specialists in the companies. In addition, companies prefer to recruit high school graduates or drop-outs instead of primary or secondary school students, even for traditional crafts or skilled workers. All in all a dangerous trend that leads to a bad image.