How do I persuade my parents to use the PS5?

- in PlayStation

I got an iPhone this year and I want a Playstation 5 for Christmas. My grades are good, but my parents always say: "You already got a cell phone, be happy!" I would buy it on Black Friday, probably saving 50 euro, adding 200 euro myself. Do you have any tips on how I can persuade them?

PS: My father wouldn't mind, but my mother always has the last word.


Your parents are right…


Go to work on the weekends and during the holidays, then you can earn the rest of the money yourself.


Thank you very much @ Schneesturm2000, unfortunately my concern now is that I still get the PlayStation, no matter how (un) sensible it is from my parents.


Unfortunately I have no way of doing this.



There are always neighbors who need help, there are always newspapers that have to be delivered, there are always shelves that have to be replenished… If you want expensive goods, you have to do something for it - you can't always live like the maggot in bacon.

Your parents are sure not to pick the money from the trees.


@Krawallbotz I'm not 14 yet, I'm not allowed to work.


Yes, you can. From 13 you can work, you can walk the neighbour's dog, go shopping, etc.

If you are still younger, you can be happy to have a smartphone - my son only got his when he was 14.

A ps5 is not necessary


Hello Fränky, the money is guaranteed to be spent more sensibly (driver's license), I also spent pointlessly money would not do it today, today I can no longer spend money senselessly, I don't have that much anymore