Borderlands 3, use online character in split screen?

- in PlayStation

Meal to all KJ's and Crimson Raiders,

Like every other Borderlands, my brother-in-law and I play the third part online together.

Now to my question

Is it somehow possible that I upload my character and download on his ps4 that we can play offline in the splitscreen? Even I found nothing to upload character and now I've considered whether it would not work if I upload the game or I would draw on NEN USB stick?

Thanks in advance for all answers. Whether helpful or not


My answer will probably be among the less helpful = /

But I'm worried that your character is linked to your PS account. And honestly, I'm a bit scared of experimenting with a save game and a USB flash drive to play it in a split screen on another console, through another account.

However, I'm not sure if you can log in to your brother-in-law's console with your PS account… And maybe Borderlands might actually be able to access your score to load it into the split-screen.

We have so what, with up to three registered PSN accounts, tested in the more "primitive" multiplayer game "Tetris" successfully. However, this Tetris game was designed to register more PSN accounts.

If necessary, I would just wrap up the whole console and install it with your brother-in-law. My husband and I also play Borderlands 3, on our own consoles, with their own PSN accounts but via a common Internet connection. Works great… And you do not have to share a screen. Because split-screen view is really very limited '

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