Is there a 2k 120hz HDMI splitter / switch [PS5]?

- in PlayStation

Since the PS5 supports 4k 120hz, I would like to connect my TV (4k / 60hz - HDMI) and my gaming monitor (2k / 165hz - HDMI / DisplayPort) to an HDMI switch.

Is there an HDMI 2.1 splitter / switch that supports 4K / 120hz?

thank you

Is there a 2k 120hz HDMI splitter switch PS5

Wait until the part comes out. It is questionable whether it is scaled properly on the 1440p - I almost don't suspect that, because that is the niche. From then on, the 120hz - even if they are spent - will actually be able to use hardly any game. Your 4k / 60hz screen will surely be completely sufficient for the part.

Save the money and think again about it when you know exactly what is going on - although it is actually already obvious from the data, I think - but I can be wrong.


Thanks for the approach, but I think that later the games will be optimized so that 120hz (or even if it goes over 60) are used frequently. If you already look at what was brought to the PS4 Pro with The Last Of Us II, it can't be ruled out that larger AAA games run at 120fps. That's why I would want to equip the setup properly from the start.


I would never take the television just because of the input


That's why the switch. On the TV single player / Netflix etc. And on the monitor FPS / multiplayer games ^^


It is absolutely impossible. The last of Us 2 runs in 1440p with checkerboard rendering at 30fps. - the PS5 will have a little more than twice as much graphics performance. (is already known) that's just enough for 4k 30fps in the last of us 2 + ray tracing. You would then need 3 more ps5's of the graphics performance to then display it in 120fps. In plain language, ne is wishful thinking.

The built-in cpu will not achieve 120fps in many games either, since we already know the cpu architecture from the pc and the console variant runs with lower clock rates due to the form factor, this value will not be achieved here either.

So I think you will see it in some advertisements and maybe in some racing games as a performance mode - but that's it.


Oh but are you sure that the ps5 only has an hdmi connection and no dp or can your monitor not have dp?


Have googled a bit and many say it's pretty unlikely the PS5 will have a DP. Mainly it is connected to TVs and most of them only have HDMI installed. HDMI 2.1 still allows 4k / 120z, hence the question of a 4K / 120hz HDMI splitter


They are so stupid then they can stay at 4K 60 because no pig has 120hz tv. That would be a waste of money for both parties


It's just marketing anyway - the ps4pro has not rendered in 4k anywhere (aaa) - but it says 4k / uhd bla bla everywhere. Don't be kidding… The thing can just output 120hz in theory, just as the ps4pro can output 4k in theory - so nothing was lying, but the 4k actually never saw it. My 400euro laptop can output 120hz, it only has 120fps…


Yes that's why buy the snot net


My monitor supports HDMI and DP. With the supplied cable for the PS5, I can simply connect the HDMI cable to the monitor and 120hz flow.
60hz is for the TV.


Yes yes but why don't they do dp? It is especially useful if you want to support that you stream with the thing, they will probably make 2 connections


Yes, I see it that way, think there should be two connections with. Well wait and see


What do you want to tell me with the link?


If the PS5 supports 8K, the games will play in 4K without any problems.
You can't compare that to a computer or laptop. It's the architecture and optimization and cooperation of the components and a lot of software-related things. When games like Modern Warfare run at 60fps in 4k on the PS4 Pro, I'm convinced that such games will run at 120fps on the PS5. Let alone 2K / 120hz with ray tracing (which in my case I will use on the monitor).
Hence the question of such an HDMI switch.


That's exactly the point, Modern Warfare doesn't run in 4k on the ps4 pro xD… Why doesn't anyone get that. Modern warfare: PS4 Pro uses a dynamic resolution with the lowest native resolution found being approximately 1152 × 1800 and the highest native resolution found being 1920 × 2160. 4k would be: 3840 x 2160.

As I said, pure wishful thinking in combination with a flop on marketing is what is happening to you.


That is a quoted sentence from August 2019. At the time the game was not even published.

Here you can see how good the game looks even with the YouTube compression in 4k / 60fps. Of course, the point with 120hz is a lot of marketing but for games like Cod that need a lot of FPS I want to use the monitor, other games on the TV.


Maybe that's because all the journalists get previews, and no, the end customer version doesn't magically render on 4k…