Life Completely changed?

- in PlayStation

I'm M 23 years old and have been in a committed relationship for about 1 year and 7 months. We live together in my parents' house and I find my life has changed to boring since then. I have just completed my training and am permanently employed. I go to work every day and spend the rest of the day in front of the tv / playstation because I'm tired. At the weekend we do not do anything special, sometimes to the movies or something to eat and I myself rarely undertake anything with my friends, otherwise only at home. Before I was in this relationship, I was a very happy person, I had a lot of friends who called me every day and we used to go around the houses every weekend, went to the gym from time to time, and was actually constantly on the move never boring, i compliment to peace with my life. Since I'm in this relationship, I have almost no friends, no one calls me more and almost every weekend is only at home. My girlfriend would not mind if I go out again, but I should not stay out so often and so long, and that's why I stay at home because it bothers me when someone writes me something like that and then complains when I get home in the morning and now that I'm going to party on the weekend, it does not feel like it used to, because a woman is at my house. I somehow do not feel like I used to, I think I'm not happy. My girlfriend gets on my nerves and I send her out of the room and stay alone. Can anyone help me?


In a nutshell: you make your girlfriend responsible for your dissatisfaction and inability to make better of your life.

That is weak.


Why do not you do something together?!

So for two… Sports, fitness, dancing, badminton, .regular?

Why do not you go out in pairs? So not just food and cinema, but a club?

Why do not you date yourselves with others? Going out with the clique, with other couples… Eating, cooking, club, cinema, DVD evening, games evening, just chilling… Barbecue, cocktail evening, concert, party, festival, bowling, billiards, darts, kickers, sauna, bike ride, …

Then it would certainly be no problem to say that you want to go 1-2 times a week of your hobby without her, if necessary with buddies… Sportverein, football stadium, iron straining, jogging, …

In front of TV and PlayStation you can also sit when the girlfriend is gone! Cuddle with her, OR do something together!


Well, without talking about it with your girlfriend it can be rather difficult with a change… Maybe she does not even know how you are doing and what you are missing in life.

For this reason alone, I would recommend that you sit down with your girlfriend (best in one of the rooms where nobody else is, or a quiet café) and describe your "problem" exactly as you describe it here have done. However, do not try to look as if you would completely blame her alone ect. At the same time try to be honest, which is very important in a relationship.

So you're sure to find a solution rather than just not talking about it. Apart from that, you do not seem to be happy with what's described… If your friend really loves you, she'll be able to understand the whole thing or give you the space you need and how much you need it.

Otherwise, do something together other than cinema, eating out or watching TV. Maybe bike rides in good weather (and maybe ice cream afterwards), rock climbing, bowling, swimming, little celebrations or concert visits are also something for you / you. Because exactly these things can be done "only" for two or with your girlfriend alone. Well, and if she's not really into it and you really care about her then she should just let you run around with buddies around the houses or whatever.


The problem is I think that I do not even feel like doing so much stuff with her