Elder Scrolls Online Questions / Help (PS4)?

- in PlayStation

So, hey first 😅

I started (again) with ESO a few days ago, but unfortunately initially I have the same problems as always.

- I don't know where and how best to level up. Level spots etc. Are in themselves something good, but most YouTube videos are aimed at those who also have the appropriate EQ where they get extra EP for each opponent killed and have a number of other things active that make leveling easier. For a complete beginner, that would take forever and most of the time you are not even up to the opponents there.

- I don't know how to best play whatever character. Of course, you can play as you like, but to get ahead you have to be reasonably skilled and have the appropriate EQ or sets. I have no idea what armor I have to wear or how I should skill and use the skills.

- I don't quite understand the CP system either. Okay, from level 50 there are CP points, they currently go up to 810, but I don't know more about them. Of course you can now say that I should get to level 50 first, but when the time comes and I still have no idea, that's stupid too. In my opinion, all the YouTube videos explain this incomprehensibly.

You have to say that I play solo, every now and then I do dungeons with others, but that's about it. Most of them are either too high or already had a number of characters, which is why someone like me would be more of a block on their legs at the moment. By the way, I'm level 17. I haven't got any DLC's or ESO + yet. I would buy something like that later.


Play Magicka or Templar Endurance. Is the easiest role in eso.

then I would not recommend you to look for an xp farm spot. Because questing and collecting skyshards is much more important for your char development. And you level on the side. Believe me. Bringing a char to 50 just does nothing.

the best xp spot would be in my opinion skyreach. But someone has to carrien you. Practically impossible for a beginner.

as a noob xp farm i would recommend the cold harbor spot or the necropolis in alikr on the top right. There are just zombies. These are the simplest opponents in eso.

And I would really take my time. Rushing only lets you burnout


That's true. It's just that I've really started quite a few characters and classes so far, but never got past 29. After a while I just didn't have any fun anymore because I really hardly understood anything. The good thing is that if you reach lvl 50 once and with the character, for example, CP rank 800, every other newly started character after lvl 50 would also have 800. But the beginning up to level 50 is honestly very, very difficult. Especially if you don't have one who explains the game mechanics such as which skills to use first, which armor, which set etc.

I currently have a Templar that I play on Magicka. I would like to play that as a starting character at least up to CP 600. Maybe a Guardian after that, I don't know. Guilds are also a bit difficult. There are few Germans, at least I rarely see them. The big guilds are currently much too high for me anyway and with 700 members I would be out of place.


Ne there are a lot of guilds that also take beginners. Just write something in kargstein. Most of the people are there. Someone will quickly invite you. You can then play with them.


Well, I'll have a look. First of all, thanks for all the information.

I still have one question, how would you play a Magicka Templar? So I put all points in Magicks, but pretty much follow the skill recommendations given by ESO.

Light or heavy armor?

Heavy staff with shield, two one-handed swords, two-handed weapons? So of course you can play everything, but what would be more practical?


Magician chars must be played with light armor. Gives them more bonuses for their attributes in the armor tree. Later you play 5 pieces of light armor, 1 piece medium and 1 piece hard to get the intrepid bonuses. But first get only light armor.

and magicians always play with destruction wands without exception. But only electric and fire.

otherwise I wouldn't recommend much to you. Just do your jabs often. They heal you well and do a decent damage level first and explore the game


If you need something look in here. There are time stamps where you can jump where you want