Elder Scroll Online: Elsweyr?

- in Xbox

I'm considering buying this as it is now available on the Playstore for Xbox. However, I'm not familiar with the Elder scrolls series!

Is this Elsweyr just an extension for Elder Scrolls online or is the elder scroll online (i.e. The game) included in the package?


Elsweyr is just an expansion, you have to buy the main game separately.


But there it says the basic game. Doesn't that mean the game?


It says. It says something like. Upgrade or play. And then it says in the description. This game contains Elsweyr Morrowwind, Summerset and the main game. Since all extensions are available directly on the console

look here you have to buy: https://store.playstation.com/...RSTANDARDB

"The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr" includes the chapters "Summerset" and "Morrowind" as well as the basic game.


That's exactly what I mean. But did not know what was meant by basic game. So is the game there too?


Yeah. Everything is there


Great thank you!


Have fun playing


Thanks! While I'm at it, I still have a question.

My friends don't play Elder scrolls online. Is it good to play alone or is it more for "gaming with friends"?


You can play the game well alone. Because there's tons of content. I don't think the game can even be played in 3 years. But there are also guilds where you can join. Then you meet new people. In the long run it is a bit dreary alone. But I always played alone