Second TV, Playstation in the same room broken. What could be going on there?

- in PlayStation

Hi. I live now for 3 months in a new apartment (new building). We had 2 TVs in the bedroom and one in the living room. About 2 months ago, the TV in the bedroom just stopped. Have really tried everything. I did not think anything, this one was older.

Then we put the TV from the living room into the bedroom, as we often watch TV in the bedroom. Went everyday quite normal, last night even watched TV. An hour ago I wanted to turn it on but without success. No light, nothing. This TV is still in very good condition.

PS4 just stopped about 2 weeks ago. Now I'm sitting there and I think what could be going on there. There are 2 sockets next to each other. These were both used, it did not flank anything, backup is not out. Sockets also work both normal. What do you think I should do now, do not know me at all with something.


You could make one, measure the voltage with a multimeter. But I'm afraid the defects have nothing to do with it. That's pure coincidence.


Either by accident or from their sockets comes some botch


Mud does not come out of it. Check if it is the + - 230V.


I mean, if frequency and / or tension is right


Frequency can be excluded, which is guaranteed to be correct. But believe in coincidence.


Buy a new TV and watch when it breaks…