Sound system 2.0-5.1 Attic with high sloping ceilings up to 700 euro?

- in PlayStation

I'm looking for a "good" and priced still in the context 2.0-5.1 system which is suitable for an attic with sloping ceilings. Shortly background and the current situation. In the room, which is about 12 m² (3x4m) of floor space and about 3.5 meters with 2 roof slopes high, are next to a sofa, a shelf and a few pictures still a projector with screen. I hooked up a Playstation 4 and watched movies and games.

Currently I have the Z906 from Logitech, which is not bad, but either has too much bass or is super quiet. Especially for movies, the system is like I think extremely bass heavy and difficult to understand, when you turn down the bass, it is extremely quiet and unbalanced. After so many years, it's time to move on to a better system and you might come into play. I read and read myself and in the end I do not even know anymore if it has to be 5.1 or even a 2.0 or 2.1 or 3.1 or so. Budget frame, I have so at and at max. 700 euro, but can also land at 400 euro. I have been with Nubert on a few occasions and devils have been recommended to me, but I do not know any more than that yet.

Of course I can compile my own (active) speakers or with receiver, but just after the sound on the z906 is so "bad" I'm a bit afraid of it without an experienced opinion to catch up with me. I think that in the special case, the wallpapered roof slopes also play a big role and affect the sound immensely.

Have you ever had experience in a similar situation before? Or where can one get well informed in this regard (online as well as offline)? What do I have to pay particular attention to here? Focus is on clear sound in movies and occasionally games & music.

I would be very grateful to you for all the hints and wish you a nice evening!


So for movies, 5.1 systems are of course great and can't be replaced by a stereo setup.

But of course, 6 good boxes are much more expensive than 2, plus a 5.1-capable amp. That means, if you only have 700 Euro available, you will have 50 Euro left per box. Miracles are not to be expected and bad components are unfortunately often concealed with completely disproportionate bass.

The question is quite simple: what is more important to you: surround sound experience or good sound? That's a decision you have to make alone.

I myself would always choose the sound, but I also mainly listen to music with my system. For example, the budget would have a pair of nuBox 383 in it and then 250 euro for an amplifier over - absolutely sufficient for a stereo amplifier.

The sloping roof and small size and features of the room is certainly not ideal, but there can certainly make a lot with little effort. You can try, for example, to hang the slope with thick fabric, to put bookshelves on the walls, etc. Everything that swallows the sound and does not throw it back. So you prevent unsightly overlays and standing waves. You will be surprised what is out there.


For the speakers alone the price would be fine but then the receiver is added!

I would rather save something. I would not know such a recommendable system for 5.1 and 2.1


Thanks for your feedback. I can't believe that completely. It can't be that you only get from 700 euro up a "good" stereo system?
At nubert itself, they start already below:

Generally, I also see that now that 5.1 probably does not make sense in the price segment, but 2.0 or 2.1 probably already.


Thank you for the extensive answer! As for 5.1, you are probably right that it is really tight per box. Then probably better 2 good and receiver and possibly sub.

Currently, I tend between the nubox 325 and the nubox 483. Although I do not quite understand all the differences, but the price range is similar schonmal ;-) As a stereo system that should then think I'm quite good and comes in double at ~ 550-650 euro out. For receiver / amplifier I currently plan to spend 200 euro. I think that you will get on ebay or classifieds. Although I did not do much research, a friend of mine got a very good Pioneer device for 350 euro back then, so I'll get something with lower expectations.

I'll tackle the tip with the sloping roof! Just Bookshelf and Co, I did not know that they can take such a big influence - I already knew wipes. Many thanks.

So great answer and vlt can you say anything about the 325 and 483 (possibly experience?). And do you know a receiver of the WLAN DAB + and Spotify App can?

Mega Thanks once!


Unfortunately I do not have any experience with the mentioned boxes.

But since the 325 is the successor of the 383 (and I have myself and I'm very happy with it), that is certainly not wrong.

The 483 is basically the 383, only as a floorstanding speaker. First of all, you are saving yourself a loudspeaker stand and secondly, there's still a bit more bass to pull out of, due to the larger case. The efficiency is probably a little better.

But now we come gradually to the next point: first is always better and secondly, not always useful. You quickly reach the point where the weakest link is no longer the box but the room. From there on better equipment brings only very limited what. In addition: How loud and strong in the bass you want to sound the 12 square meters?

The price difference is not huge, so you can also grab the 483. I consider it personally necessary but not necessary.

Unfortunately I can't say much to the receivers, I have always only used integrated amplifiers. But the budget is realistic. I recently read a very concise summary of the subject by blog revelers: "In fact, it is relatively easy to build an amplifier that not only comes close to the sonic ideal of the" reinforcing wire ", but rather meets it No matter if they're sitting in sinister high-end gadgets or mid-priced power amplifiers, they all sound the same, not at all - the manufacturers are reluctant to admit it, but amplifiers are not witchcraft and pretty sophisticated technology. " So you will not go wrong.

I wish you success! And with further questions: always gladly!


For stereo, I'm with you. You do not need a receiver! And only 2 instead of 5 boxes


Hi - thanks again for your feedback! I give a lot to it.

Slowly, I also approach what I want through the information from you and what else I read. In the boxes, I now vary between 325 and 383 - so I did not understand the difference except the size and in tests, the 383 came even better, so it will probably be this. 483 was only the idea, because then no Stand needs Budgettechnisch I would be in both boxes (sometimes without stand) at around 440 euro.

Still prepare me the receiver rather headache (especially if one is layman…). There are not just a few variables that you should look at and above all the possibility to make a system future - proof and expandable is then always such a degree. So I decided to increase the limit to 800 euro, so that there are still 350 euro left for a receiver are in it. As I see it, the current "good middle class models" are set right there. So I have just the Denon AVR X1500H, Onkyo TX NR686 and Yamaha RX V485 in view. 3 models, 3 philosophies, 3 opinions as it seems to me ^^

Above all, a good Spotify Connect and DAB + connection is important to my wife. Alexa and Co I do not need, but older models seem to be really bad in terms of app (and if you then in the Playstore reads the reviews you want to have none of them): D

So it remains exciting. I will call later still nubert and fix at least my pit decision, then maybe there's something in the receiver. Unless you know one of them and can recommend it.

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