Does the man always have to write?

- in Twitch

Does a man always have to write?
example: came into contact with a girl on Instagram. Have sent and voice memos and also seen and talked a few times via video. I was actually the one who wrote to her. At some point I thought "ok I'll wait until she writes to me" but nothing really came from her side.
Well, at that time I deactivated Instagram (without telling her) then at some point I went live on Twitch and she also came into the live stream and asked why I deactivated my Instagram, I then gave the reason she said yes, give me your WhatsApp number. I then gave her my number.

ask: I thought she's not interested in me anyway, that's why I didn't write to her that often on Instagram. But now she wanted my WhatsApp number. I mean, if you're not interested in someone, you don't ask for the number, do you?

and is it normal that men always have to write?


I also had 1, 2 times something like yours.

In general, I'm not one of the girls who run after me when I have already written to her a few times!

If a woman is interested, she will automatically write to you too!

If I see nothing coming, I quickly lose interest!


Perhaps many women think that men should write to them, but I think that's ridiculous, a man is sure to be happy about every message.


If a woman is interested, she will automatically write to you too!

yes entirely of your opinion. Especially when I gave her my number, I've always asked WhatsApp so far, hi how are you, what are you doing. Nothing ever came from her side until now. That's why I don't write to her anymore because I feel stupid or think that I'm annoying her with it, you know


Understand! You also lose unnecessary time waiting for the other person to write!


Nope, only if you are interested you can't immediately expect the other person to be totally convinced of you, especially if you only know each other through writing at Insta. If you want something, do something and don't give up, but apparently you have a 2 chance.


Not immediately? Have known each other for a few months


Yes but only via Insta right?


In principle, it doesn't have to be that way. But unfortunately it is often so necessary, at least, that most of the initiative comes from men. As a woman, you should meet every now and then and show interest so that the man does not lose interest again.

At least that's how it was with me and my partner when they got to know each other. Most of it came from him, but I was very happy to accept it and also showed it so that he did not doubt whether I felt the same interest or the same affection as he did.

With previous men, I always showed more initiative because I believed that as a woman you could do it too. If you are already on an equal footing, the woman can also make an effort. But that was a big mistake. Lots of men scream for it, but when it really does happen, they're quick to lose interest or be put off. I didn't do anything bad, it was similar to yours. Often times to be the first to speak up, show interest in the person, if you got along well, ask about a date, etc. In principle, men don't want women to take over the reins.

I learned from that and then put it on hold. I just enjoyed my life and no longer focused on men, dating and the like. In that time, even more men came up to me. The men of all people who I wasn't even romantically interested in followed me even more.

At some point I met my partner by chance. And with the much more passive way it finally worked. 😅


It should be balanced, sometimes the woman answers, sometimes the man! If it becomes one-sided, you are right, if you or the other side lose interest. You speak to me from the bottom of my heart, have often written very one-sidedly (on my own), and that was a mistake, not anymore.