What is the difference between Mafia Trilogy (PS4) and Mafia Definitive Edition?

- in PlayStation

The Mafia remake for Playstation 4 is due to be released in the coming months. Two Mafia games are to be presented. Once the Definitive Edition and once the Trilogy, but what is the difference between the two games if both games should contain all 3 parts? Would be grateful for any answers. LG


Definitive editions are the remastered versions, whereby there are hardly any differences in parts 2 and 3. Part 1 is not yet finished, but should get bombastic graphics. Better get the standard edition.


Mafia Trilogy is the remastered version of part 1, 2 and 3 or not? Where exactly is the difference?


So on Steam the 2nd and 3rd part were automatically changed to the Definitive (Remastered) version. Whoever fetches the original versions of part 2 and 3 there will automatically get the definitive one. Part 1 Definitive does not exist yet and you have to buy it separately, even if you already have the normal one.
As I said, parts 2 and 3 have little difference, you'd better buy the normal ones


The Mafia trilogy includes all 3 remastered games. The Mafia Definitive Edition contains only part 1.