Ps4 (PSN) ban system? (I was banned for 3 days and immediately after that for 7 days?

- in PlayStation

I come straight to the topic. I was banned from PSN service for 3 days last Wednesday, July 15th, 2020 (I was banned because I insulted someone, which was perfectly legitimate), the problem is that when I registered 3 days later on July 18th, 2020 - and reported the person I offended and who most likely reported me "back" (because they also insulted me). Then I was banned again after 2 minutes. Conclusion. I was banned twice in a row for 3 and then for 7 days. 1. Is that possible? 2. Isn't it that you are "punished" for hate on the Internet but then it is good again?! 3. I have reported several messages from this person and possibly myself. Is it possible to ban myself? Thanks in advance. Alex PS if you don't understand something, please ask because the topic is very important to me and it concerns me…


Just never offend, the little * # *% always ban you

again and you are banned for 1 month


You have already been reported to be banned


The general rule is: the internet is not a legal space. The criminal offenses of the Criminal Code (StGB) apply here as well as in "real life". An insult on an Internet forum, on Twitter or Facebook does not differ legally from an insult on the street.

"In addition to civil law claims, the person concerned can also take legal action against the person who wrote the relevant lines."

1) be glad that he "only" reported you

2) one does not offend. If you insult someone it's a sign of "weakness", so you don't know how to defend yourself otherwise.

This could help you:


He will have reported you again, depending on how often you have offended him you can be reported and banned more often but next you will get a 1 month spell if it doesn't stop


Thanks for the helpful comment.

On the subject of insulting (not that I want to justify myself) I think every time he plays a game, is insulted or 'teamkilled' for no reason and then leaves out this anger at others, which of course you later regret, especially if you was punished for it. These people also insulted me in a ps4 party and you can also report parties (I think you know what ps4 parties are). You talked about my mother having cancer and really insulted me extremely I defended myself and partly 'struck back' is that an independent reason (regardless of the text messages) to be banned? Then the double spell would be understandable if you understand what I mean.


Does every insulting message mean an independent spell? I already asked it in my question, but isn't that what you do wrong, get banned and then it's good?


Achso and (sorry for the spam) I deleted all chats in the short time in which I was not banned, among other things just THIS chat is it still provable that I have offended him?


I'm sorry to hear about your mother like that, but if there was anything like that, I would go out of the party immediately and not listen to these people's babble. I don't think it's a reason to be banned if you insult via the voice chat (party), since the party is not recorded. So there should be proof that can be refuted with eg chat histories. If you want you can give the Psn names and I would report them. (Have 2 psn accounts)


I went out of the party after 1 or 2 minutes of course and was soon banned. The PSN names (first it would be extremely nice if you would report them because you would do me a huge favor haha okay I can give you one or two names from Saturday 26.07.2020 because I only know one by heart and the others I can't see because I can't log in… So the one (with whom I also wrote) is called yNimz on PSN and I deleted the chat, the 'proofs' are practically destroyed, can I still be banned now?


One is reported in advance. You can then write the others to me on the 26th, then I will also report them. If you deleted the chat, it is still stored somewhere on the servers 😕.


: :( Thank you anyway 😁


For me it was like that, was banned for 3 days because buddy had fun and when I said that I would also report him he reported a message from me so that I would be banned again but in the end he found no more messages and he was allowed on the silent stairs for a month because he had previously been reporter xD