Call of Duty Season Pass not useful?

- in PlayStation

Today I have replenished my PSN balance properly and would like to buy a Season Pass / DLC for some COD parts.

Unfortunately, the PS Store and YouTube don't really show what it contains or I don't play online because I don't use PS +.

It is only important to me that I get the missing weapons and the rest of the content such as attachments, weapons, possibly maps, but also crosses or designs, but only for the LOCAL MULTIPLAYER MODE!

e.g. BO3 … I saw at YT the Season Pass is really only intended for online mode!

Can someone tell me which season pass for which part my desired content brings me?

The games have changed over the past few years so that it may well be that the local mode is no longer supported and the online mode is more concentrated.

Or do you get the remaining content for the local and online mode through the Season Pass?!


There are no useful things in the Battlepass, just a number of emblems, business cards, Double XP tokens and CoD points. Also 2 new weapons, which can be played locally without a pass. In addition Ghost, a new operator and a few skins for the remaining operators as well as various blueprints for weapons.

The skins, emblems, business cards, blueprints, etc. Can only be obtained from the passport.

In other words, if you only gamble locally (?), The Battlepass is not worth it.


Not Battlepass. Season Pass!

Sorry but what are skins, emblems?

I only play local with 1-2 buddies and we mainly want to get the remaining weapons.
(In WW2+ BO3 or Infinite)

In local multiplayer mode, you can see so many weapons in the selection window that you can't reach.

How do you get them?!

In COD Ghost there are also things like an astronaut suit or Snoop Dogg speaker or what I don't know. Do you have to book them individually or what's in the Season Pass?

For most COD games it means that you get new maps, but what about the remaining weapons, how should you unlock them or why don't you just get them when you buy the pass?!


Ah ok. Sorry, I thought it was about the new CoD.

I think if the weapons are not available to choose from, you either have to unlock them online or, as you plan, buy them. However, there were z. B. Lots of weapons from the loot boxes. And you either had to earn them or buy them for a lot of money. The problem with this is that you don't know what's in it beforehand and can throw tons of euro into the wind. MWn did not buy individual weapons at BO3, WW2 and IW but only via loot boxes.

The new maps were in the individual DLC's, which in turn are all included in the respective season pass. Buy z. B. The BO3 season pass and you get all maps for BO3.

Skins, i.e. Your austronaut suit, are only available through loot boxes.


I don't know if this works without PS + and you can then use the content.


OK. Then IW + BO3 is probably uninteresting!

what about Ghosts, Advance WW2 or Remastered?

There are no loot boxes!

Yesterday called GameStop Berlin and he said he can't imagine that offline is not there.


In Ghost you could buy different skins (Capt. Price etc.) and also some weapons.

As far as I can remember there were loot boxes at least with Ww2 and Remastered. I didn't play both parts myself for a long time, so I don't know if you can buy certain items specifically.

I also believe that the content will also be available in the local MP, but I can't guarantee it.


Well then, in the new parts I can say get the remaining weapons through Season Pass, for example by getting these COD POINTS and then by these boxes getting the weapons. You get 20,000 points or so I've read!

Or you get it immediately (also in local mode) because you buy the Season Pass.


You could check in the in-game store whether the weapons can be bought separately, because as I said, until now mWn only included additional maps in the season pass and weapons were only available through loot boxes. As far as I know, additional weapons have only been available since Ghosts. There you could also buy them separately, so they should still be available in the store. In the following parts, however, only by loot boxes.

Only in the current CoD, all content is already included and will be unlocked gradually to unlock. With the Battlepass you simply get additional cosmetic content.