PS4 after initialization Controller no longer connects?

- in PlayStation
PS4 after initialization Controller no longer connects

Hi there,

I just did a (quick) initialization of my PS4, because an application error kept occurring (with Fifa 21). Now no controller can be connected to my PS4. I've tried everything: exchanged USB cables, resets the controller, even bought a new controller, disconnected the PS4 from the power cord, etc. Nothing works. Now I'm really desperate and wanted to ask if it is hopeless and should I get a new PS4?


Press the share key for a long time combined with the option key


Have you already tried to completely reboot your ps?


Have you ever tried to connect it via usb and maybe the console has switched that you only want to use USB connection then you have to switch back to Bluetooth as the preferred connection


Jap tried at least 10 times. Unfortunately no change


How exactly do you mean it? Just plug in a USB stick?


Unfortunately, it doesn't work either, can't connect to bluetooth, because I can't go to "Settings", a controller must already be connected for that.


Toutarials on YouTube?


A and then share with ps key


Or just watch YouTube and then search


Still via usb


You can set between 2 settings either USB then the console no longer accepts a wireless connection or a Bluetooth connection then you can establish a wireless connection or a USB connection with the console to play


Unfortunately, everything tries.


You can also try crashing the console. I had the problem before because the console's Bluetooth driver was missing.A crash led to a problem in the system, which is why the repair process was started automatically and the error was corrected, but then the console ran again there's the risk of losing data that does not have to be mandatory but it can happen so far i have not lost any data but you have to decide whether you want to take the risk if so then the console crashes


Aso yes of course I tried it with usb cable brings nothing


Sorry ☹️ can't help you otherwise


Thanks anyway!


Did you cause a crash or is this not an option for you due to data loss?