Ps4 DayZ pick up tent?

- in PlayStation

Ps4 DayZ pick up tent?


Tents are items that offer the player additional storage space. The location is NOT stored across servers when they have been deployed.

Erected tents can't be stolen, but the items in the tent!

There are 3 types of objects:

Weapons / Tools
General items

Weapons / tools include any kind of weapons, as well as visual equipment and tools.

General items such as car parts, ammunition, medicines, consumable and these in the primary weapons place. If a weapon or backpack is stored in the tent, it will not reduce the amount of ammunition that can be stored.

As a reference, a tent can store 5 rucksacks, 10 weapons / tools and 50 general places.

Additional information about tents:

A tent needs 3 inventory spaces.
It can be put in the backpack when it is in the inventory.
It can be moved after setting up but you can't take another player's tent with you.
You can own as many tents as you want.
If you move a tent that is not empty, the items in it will be located on the floor where the tent used to be.
In order to save the location of the tent and the contents, you must use "Save" in the mouse wheel menu. But there's a 50% chance that the server "eats" the tent.
Tents are server-bound and remain in place even after a server restart.
EVERYONE can take items from your tent but not steal the tent.
Tents need a certain space to set up (about 3x3 meters).
Tents disappear 2 days after your death, you can set up a new one or get the items from your old tent, but you can't take the old one anymore, even though it belongs to you.
There's no way to determine if the tent is full or not, be careful or you may lose items when overloaded.
If you have vacated items in the tent and it was overloaded, so the items are not in the tent, then the tent has these objects about 5 meters behind the tent (back of the tent not the entrance) thrown on the ground, the items are not lost if you search immediately behind the tent.
If it rains you can crawl into the tent and you are protected from rain.
Tents can be run over by vehicles, which also destroys the items inside.