Can I get problems with the song in the video?

- in PlayStation

I created a video on the PS4, where I drive to the beach with my lowrider in GTA Online. In the background is the song, "Sippin on a 40" by Eazy-E. Now to my question: Can I get in trouble if I upload the video to Youtube because the song is running in the background?


Unless you have purchased a license for the song or it is labeled as "Non Copyright" or similar, yes!


OK thanks. The rapper died in '95. Does that make a difference?


If you shoot it up, you'll see if Youtube's upload filter (which has existed for years, even without an article13!) Filters it out or leaves it in place. If he sort it out, it's a copyright violation. If he lets it in, you can assume that the usage is covered by the exploitation contract that Youtube / Google has made with the Gema.


Copyright on intellectual property expires 70 years after the death of the author. During these 70 years, it can be inherited or resold like any other property.

If I see it right, but Eazy-E is not even the author here, but only interpreter. So he does not sit right. The authors (which includes the authors of the sampled original beat) are at least partially still alive. So the 70 year deadline has not started yet.


OK thank you.