Does the older DualShock Controller go with the Ps4 Pro?

- in PlayStation

In the picture you can see the left controller. This is the older Dual Shock Controller, with the glossy buttons on the buttons and the newer one on the right. But in my Ps4 Pro, the left does not work… Is it broken or is it normal that you can't connect it with the Pro? Anyway, it shines if you press the Ps button just he just can't connect…


You also have to connect with cable first


So if you want to connect the first time you need to connect the controller (black) with a USB cable to the ps4 and then press the PlayStation button so that it can connect to it and remember the connection details when the controller has connected you unplug the USB cable


Have I already tried everything…


Unfortunately, I have already tried everything… My friend has a Ps4 Slim, I'll try it out with him.


Ok then it would just be broken I really do not understand why it could be sunnier


Already trying to reset the controller? How to do that you can easily find on Youtube… Then connect again with the cable and press PS button.