How can I get better at school in these circumstances?

- in PlayStation

Hay, I'm 14 and I'm in 9th grade. Please do not understand the question wrong. I'm not bad at school (2.2s cut or so) but I just kind of notice that there's a lot more in it. Well my problem, which I think I'm blocking. My father has been annoyed by everything and totally aggressive since I was about 4 years old. He threatens me almost daily with something and insulted one how stupid you supposedly and that you will achieve anything in life anyway. Never answer questions. In addition, he threatens me and my sister very often that he beats me (which he has sometimes done) (do not want to go into more detail because just kind of did not have the strength) have Schonmal tried to talk to him. So when I explained to him that I did not like what he did to me and that you could really destroy something of a child's life, he said that as a kid I do not even have the right to say anything when something bothers me… Then he broke my ps4 … So you can't talk to him. My mother does not do anything about it (she is even afraid that he secretly places and spits out cameras somewhere). She is very religious and says that one can only pray for it and that the Bible says one should not part.

I really do not keep up with my dad. Somehow I feel as if something is blocking my mind so I can't give everything at school…



My mother and my mother often had rages, insulted us, my mother thought me stupid and beat me. Only through the youth welfare office, the family something together, my parents understood me better (you are normal, because it is not so blatant) and have mediated, with a former buddy, and similar conditions, they have sent the home…

Are there any relatives you can live with?


Seek help from outside. I think school is your smallest problem. You're right, your psyche can be immensely damaged as a child.

Do you have a trust teacher at your school? Or is there a school psychologist? Talk to them.

Your mother is grown up. She has to help herself. You can be proud of yourself that you realize that this is no longer possible. Maybe you can move to a youth group or something similar.

But of course you have to dare to talk.


How can you stand it? The best way to contact the youth welfare office!