Is the offer serious ps5?

- in PlayStation

Is the offer serious ps5?


No. The console is currently hard to get and certainly not as cheap as it is here. So it's a fake offer.


But there's a guarantee covered by ebay?


Even if the console weren't completely sold out, this offer would be fake because the console costs 500 euro. Have you seriously bought anything from the seller?


Still says nothing about the seriousness of the dealer. He can still send you an empty package and, in the worst case, even run away with the coal.

Nobody is currently selling such a coveted console for almost 100 euro less. That alone should set all alarm bells ringing for you.


And where is that? There's none of this on the screenshot.


The "offer" is as real as a 3 euro note. Everyone is currently fighting to → not get the console. If that were real, then the 4 would at least become a 6 …

The certainty that you will only get an empty box or a brick is extremely high. Your buyer protection won't help you either.


EBay verified dealer and then not offer PayPal? Very funny. In addition, there's eBay buyer protection for this seller, but only if a payment method authorized by eBay has been used. Transfer is not included.

If you transfer your money and nothing arrives, it's not eBay's problem. Everything can be read here ->


Personally, I wouldn't buy a PS5 right now that aren't available on Amazon, MediaMarkt or Saturn. I can't tell you anything about the Ebay guarantee because I have no idea about Ebay.

Merry Christmas.