PS5 free as a bonus?

- in PlayStation

Immoment don't have their own apartment. And there's ps5 coming out soon

does someone happen to know from which site or provider I get a ps5 for free?

So electricity provider or DSL provider, I know that it is not free but I better pay a few euro more electricity or Internet for 1 or 2 years than to spend all my money directly on the ps5

if I have my own apartment I want to make the contract to dust off the ps5

PS live in Cologne



Also just found thanks anyway!


I would keep my hands off, the console is out of stock everywhere, I don't think you'd get it as a bonus ^^


Not correct.
They know that the console is in great demand.
I would have done everything in my power to get a supply of the consoles and then give them as a bonus for an overpriced electricity price.
And most gamers wouldn't care about the price of electricity.
Shortly after release, consoles are sold privately for several hundred euro above the retail price.


Well, the part doesn't want to have it right after realese on the sparstrom page it says that it is also unlikely to "guarantee on-time delivery. Since Sony has produced fewer consoles"


Especially as a "gamer" you have a rather high power consumption and therefore you should take a really cheap provider.