Why is my Ps4 hanging all the time?

- in PlayStation

Today I wanted to play very relaxed. In my first (fortnite) lap I had the problem that I could do everything for the time being, but my teammates could no longer hear me. So I turned it off and restarted it. Then I wanted to land and then I couldn't move. What's going on there? It stands in a wooden cube with a wall behind it. That should be less because it has been going well for the last 6 months. At the back it warms up relatively quickly. What's going on there?


Probably internet problems.


Well, the system is jerky but then too? How so?


If the guarantee has expired you can check out a tutorial on YouTube on how to clean them. Maybe that will fix the problem. Are there any other error messages?


No Everything was great at Control Ultimate.


Can it be the cable or something?


Then that's probably because of the game.


Your hanging PS4 is not the problem, rather your internet connection