Incorrect repeater integration in the network?

- in PlayStation
Incorrect repeater integration in the network

Hi everyone, (overview picture in the appendix)

a question about my Wi-Fi network, I hope someone can help me - I'm slowly despairing here. First, an explanation of the situation:

I live in a family house with two apartments. We have> a

Since the signal does not reach the other side of the apartment, I decided to place a Fritz Repeater 1200 as a WLAN bridge in the middle of the apartment (distance to the 4020 approx. 6m with wooden walls). If I connect a LAN cable here, I get 50-60 mbit, which is all good. If I do a WLAN speed test in the living room another 6m away, I get disconnections and if at all then 5-20mbit. But 6m is nothing for a repeater?! As I said, there are wooden walls and apart from a chimney there's practically nothing between the repeater and the living room.

It seems to me as if all end devices are connected to the actual Fritzbox 4020, at least in terms of performance, but according to the mesh overview, this is not the case. Everything connected with repeater.

Has anyone ever had a similar case? Are there any tips? All updates have been carried out. Auto channel is set, so is coexistence.

Additional information, if relevant: A LAN connection between repeater and PC is possible, but connection to a PS4 does not work (timeout), maybe something with ports or something?


Perhaps dLAN is the better solution here:

I was able to "save" similar situations in two cases. But it is a matter of luck and depends a lot on the electrical installation. It works best in the same circuit, ie "behind" the same fuse. The "wider" the circuits are there, the distribution box and fuse protection, the worse it gets.

A direct LAN cable between the routers would not be feasible?


Do you have no reception from the Fritzbox over 10m?


I recommend checking the WLAN coverage everywhere with an Android smartphone.

With the free Android app "Fritz App WLAN" it is very easy to determine.

If a smartphone has good reception, technically everything is OK.

Personally, I can still easily reach 90-100 Mbit / s from a FritzBox 6490 through 2 brick walls at a distance of 14m with 5 GHz WLAN from the 6490 (an AC-433 Mbit / s repeater as test receiver, 1 internal antenna in the client Mode, i.e. Simple cheap technology).

Then it must be due to other things.

Bluetooth interferes… 2.4 GHz
You write wooden walls, be careful because there may be aluminum-laminated insulation materials in them (aluminum foil is fatal for Wi-Fi!) Or any close-meshed bars?

Note the difference between 2.4 GHz (is better for range!) And 5 GHz only suitable for particularly high speeds at close range.

Place the FritzBox 4020 and the repeater 1200 times higher, after all, there are extension cables for 230V.


Change the sending SSID in the repeater to a different one of the 4020, then you can select specifically whether you want to be connected to the repeater or the 4020.


Hey transistor3055,
Thank you for your answer!

There are no active Bluetooth devices in the vicinity.

That with the insulation materials is quite possible. I'm not sure which insulation material is used, aluminum-coated can be. The frequency is 2.4 GHz, because the PS4, for example, can't work at 5 GHz, so that's probably not the problem.
I will place the devices higher up, let's see if that works.