GTA online timeout, suspected DDoS?

- in PlayStation

I haven't been in gta online for over 3 months… I don't know what else to do… It doesn't work on any of my 3 PSN accounts. It can't be due to the internet, because we moved and also bought a new router, did not help.

I had modders, we "argued" and he gave me several freezes and a fake permanent ban. He said that if I don't stop messing around with him, he's going to be harder. I ignored that because I thought it was cheese. But since then I haven't been able to get online… What could he have done? What can I do against it?

One said he gave me a DDos. However, everything else works, I have great internet and everything works great.


This can't be a DDos, because to get your IP address you must have clicked on a link from him.


But what did he do?


No idea.


AgenJohnson no if you have a good ModMenu you can see the IP and Rockstar IP


Fun Fact Arab 1.2 has something…


I didn't mean the Rockstar ID ip