Bad internet connection at Ps4?

- in PlayStation

I've had a bad internet connection on my Ps4 for days. If I make an Internet connection test there comes out a very bad result. Namely 1 mbit in the download and 95 kbits in the upload. But in the same room, I made a speed test with my phone, there came out 60 mbits in the download and 10 in the upload and a ping of 18. Know one of you how I can improve it on the Ps4. As I said, it was not so before, and the Internet is used at home as usual, no one uploads something or claims it too strong.


Reboot Wlanbox

Check Playstation settings

Reset Playstation to factory settings

Is possibly a metal object or similar. Lately near the console that can disturb the reception?


No, everything as before. Now I have the assumption that it was because of the holidays, because most of them are home.