How can I best forget an internet friend?

- in PlayStation

Hey guys I'm 19 years old and the internet friend where I had is 18 years old but unfortunately the internet friendship broke up because of her boyfriend the problem is I got to know her while gaming we always got on really well we still had ps4 in 2018 gambled. And in 2019 she stopped playing and we wrote on WhatsApp so everything was fine between and we wrote every day and then suddenly the friend wrote to me why I write so much to her she already told me a few days before wrote and then I decided not to write as much anymore, which was completely fine for her, but then I wrote it for your boyfriend ok that we continue writing then she wrote I have nothing against you but me and mine Friends find it better if we have no more contact you have no place in my life when I got the message from her I cried because we never quarreled we always got along well and the message then shocked me I'm from Munich and it comes from Denmark but the distance was not really a problem for what I can do to forget it I might fly back during the Easter holidays Hamburg and I'm afraid that I have to think more about her what can I do?


Distract yourself, there are always reasons when people leave your life. Do not grieve for it, learn from it and continue.


I can understand you. But you have to remember that she may not have been the person she claimed to be. When a relationship or contact only takes place over the Internet, things like that just happen. It is not a permanent contact. Forget it, it did.


"You have no place in my life"

It's tough, but you have to accept it, and you won't have to do anything else.

Could you try to pursue your hobbies etc…


Oh dear, I'm really sorry for you.

That was really stupid… This is now really "mourning" for you. After all, you had intensive and intimate contact over a long period of time.

I join the previous speakers: distraction helps. Do nice things that you like and that are good for you. Try to make new contacts - this time perhaps under the premise that they live closer to you in the area, so that you can meet and get to know each other "in real". Then the risk of such disappointments is less.

Are you maybe playing other games - tabletop, board games, magic? There are clubs in almost every major city where you can meet nice people 1: 1:)


She made that decision. She doesn't want you.

Better leave them alone.

Meet real people.