What do all of you want from me?

- in PlayStation

I'm m / 15. At school, I'm always called by my German teacher when I know something, but my classmates do not even report and are not called. Whenever all the fingers are down I'm always called. Once I had to submit 2 essays with her and the other only 1. In the group work (not now with my German teacher) must always write the notes and the other may bluff around. Habs x times said that someone else writes, but then I'm turned on stupid. Then if I briefly use the calculator or look up in Latin vocabulary in math, then only I'm maligned by the teacher. Others do it too, but only I'm getting it. At home, only I always have to clear everything and the rest of the family just chill. When I play with my little brother, my parents keep saying to ME, do this, do this, etc. And my brother can just keep playing and I have to do some stupid work. For damages or other things I will always be held responsible, although I did not do anything myself z. B. The WLAN was not on the PS4 and I was responsible for it and got ban, although lately only play PC. Oh yes, and the PC was put in the room of my little brother, though

1. 60% I paid from the PC myself and he did not pay a penny

2. The PC fits wonderfully in my room

3. I need the one for computer science homework

Then my brother can decide who goes to his room and when I say, 'Can you go out for a moment?', Then I get yelled at and get banned.

THIS is only part of it. It happens even more. So, what do you want from me?


Take it easy. Many have problems. But there are always better times. At some point the school is over, you have your own apartment and you earn your own money, which you can choose at will!


Can't you say no?

Do it as often as you can.

should you write something - no! I was on it last time.

Should you lend something - no! I need that myself.

Shall you give the dishwasher - that can also do my brother - I suck so long. Then you have help and he is slowly guided to the tasks


Everyone understands when I say no to the word, yes "


Then repeat your no so that others notice that you mean that too


Oh great, then I'll make it worse, no, "and everyone around me gets aggressive


You have two options.

Everything stays as it is and you continue to be the dork for all
You learn to say no and enforce


I say no on several occasions and I'm almost convicted of it


Just hold on to what is being said to you and do not always think you have to do it all on your own or you are ALWAYS bad. It is not so.

your parents determine where the pc is going. For homework you do not need a pc, you can do that well without synonymous. If you want one, go work, earn money and buy one. If your parents allow it, you may be able to place it in your room.


Why should you be convicted for it? Say no I can't now or I do not want to now and continue your stuff. Discussion ended.

Seems to me really questionable that the teacher should always appoint you to the secretary

Unfair / parents? Ke KennedyButterfly