Psn perma ban?

- in PlayStation

My account was banned due to an insult at the beginning of 2020 (permanent), but I recently heard that a perma ban on Playstation only lasts 1 year and is not banned forever, is that true or false and you remain banned forever?


I doubt that a permanent ban will only last a year.


Then it would not be a permanent ban.


I don't know can be yes, so you say that this is fake? If so, do you know if you can make a kind of application for banishment somewhere?


Perma ban is forever, nothing can be done.


But 99% of the time you get rejected by a response offered


You read the wrong one. There's a time lock and the permanent ban and you have that, you can now either play solo with the thing or use it to crack nuts ^^


Nene. A permanent block is already permanent. They say that bans are thoroughly investigated and so you can't raise an objection. Permanent bans do not expire either, you can't raise an objection. Well, that won't work then: /

PSN (Ban)? Am AmiyahWithdrawal