Gta online on ps4 without ps plus?

- in PlayStation

Since the casino robbery update, I can play and enter Gta online as normal without having a PS Plus subscription. Before the update, I could only play Story Mode and when I went online the game meant that I need a Ps Plus subscription. Yesterday, however, after the update was installed, I went into gta 5 and was given the option for the online mode at the bottom of the loading screen. I could not believe it and went in and could play quite normally. I thought it was a bug from the game or from the server so that I went into online mode but no 1 day after the update so today I can still play online. Why is that? I'm 100% sure that I do not have a PS Plus subscription. Then why is that? And until when can I still use the online mode?


Have you ever had a plus subscription?
If not, you may have got the trial month or something.


If you have multiple accounts on your Playstation, only 1 account that has Ps + and is set to primary is sufficient. Then the Ps + subscription applies to all other accounts that are also set as primary.

In short, I have my account and that of my buddy on my Playstation. Both accounts are set as primary on my Playstation. He has Ps + and I don't. But we both get the Ps + service. So we share the annual costs.



good to know but i'm 100% sure that none of the acc. Ps-plus has, let alone is registered with psn.

I've been through my trial month for a long time. And I don't have ps plus services either. But with games like gta 5 or mgsv tpp I was offered the online mode from the day before yesterday to yesterday, even though I play story every day and try it online every now and then, as usual, it means that I need ps plus for it.

So I don't have a single ps plus acc on my entire ps4 and have 101% no ps plus myself (the ps plus segment shows me that I should get ps plus because I don't have one) and still I can play online in every game gamble.

Probably. A strange bug by sony?


I already steered a trial month and as I said ps plus I didn't. Even the ps4 tells me I don't have a ps plus and should get ps plus. But still I can play online in every game.


I just tried it and it's the same with me. No, that's another Sony multiplayer weekend where everyone can play online, even those who don't have a + subscription


Believe less that it's Sony, but more the games. Just like Fortnite is / was possible to download and play online without PS + in the PSstore. Maybe Rockstar Games has customized GTA5, or given a trial online month. Who knows.

Try if other games go online and play.


Lol cool

But watchdogs 2 multiplayer does not work for me and requires ps plus. But anyway, I enjoy it. It's just funny that this weekend is not reported or announced anywhere.


Funny thing. I can play Gta online. And MGSV TPP too. But at watchdogs I'm told that I need ps plus to play online.
And no, I'm 101% sure that I don't have a ps plus subscription. Also no trial subscription. In some games from Thursday to Friday I'm simply offered the online mode and in some games I still needed ps plus to play online. And the games have nothing to do with each other and are independent.


Well multiplayer WEEKEND I think less now. Since last week Thursday until today Tuesday can gamble gta online without having +. In some other games I can play online but not in many others (I'm told I need ps plus)

Now really believe it's a bug. Only gta 5, mgsv, rdr 2, ARK… I can gamble on and for online in watchdogs 2, pubg, cod need widerrum ps plus.

very strange because all games are independent of each other and mostly have nothing to do with each other.


guys how to play gta online with out ps plus