Why is my girlfriend so scared of losing me?

- in PlayStation

My boyfriend (24) is afraid of losing me. So she finally told me after I had complained several times.

I would never cheat on her, she knows that too.
But she still forbids me to go to a friend's birthday party. Or meet new people. In general, she wants to know who I'm with and where I'm. Contact with women is also very limited, even from those I would never want anything from. It is always a case of blocking immediately.

It's the same in social media, even on PlayStation Network she's afraid I might meet someone interesting.

My current friends are no problem for her.

If I don't cooperate, she gets mad.

For me she is everything, I tell her that over and over again.
Yet she forbids me so much.

What's this? Why is she so afraid of losing me? Is it a disease What must / should I pay attention to?

I ask for the most specific answers possible. I also don't have to finish before the end and I also know that something is definitely wrong with her. But I want to know what it is.


To understand this, one would have to analyze her entire childhood.

But these are the typical "red flags". Such people are not capable of relationships.

If she were a man, one would say he sees you as his property.

With women you are a little more cautious with the names, but in principle you are the same.


I think that doesn't sound like a healthy relationship. I would talk to her calmly about the fact that you are bothered by the lack of trust on her part. Maybe you will find a solution.


Jealousy just do what she says and treat her well as long as she does it. She doesn't write with other men so you shouldn't write with other women either.


Your girlfriend just worries that she will be disappointed. She probably just doesn't want to be hurt, which I can understand. Don't hold it against her, you know yourself that she really has no reason to be afraid. Just tell her often how much and what you love about her, and after a while it will show itself. Don't take it too much to heart. LG

This "fear" also means that she is very attached to your relationship and she does not want to lose it.


I beg your pardon? She has nothing to forbid him, especially not contact with other people.


No of course not, I'm not that kind of person who still writes with x other people and she is very happy about that.


Your insecurity sucks quite honestly. She's not the only person anyway, there are other interesting so what? Doesn't mean that you fall in love with strangers on the other hand, you can't trust anyone today so I understand your paranoia very well


I will do my best, thank you.


She says she already trust me, but she doesn't take any chances.


Don't you know the word jealousy?
I said to other women and not to people. Are you trying to break a good relationship?


You can't say for sure, it could be that she is just very jealous.
I mean a narcissist punished and not loyal but when she is loyal and only worried?


You're right, there are so many other and other beautiful people out there too. But for me only her. Partly I understand that she is like that.


This level of jealousy is no longer normal. She treats the FS as if it were her property. A good relationship looks different! Above all, you have trust and that is completely missing here!


It is a relationship and a really nice one, even if it may not sound like that.


Is it maybe a mental illness? Some kind of depression, for example?


Hm yes you are somehow right but nevertheless we do not know what she has in her heart I think he should be patient and then you will see the truth why her behavior is like that


Narcissism are callous people who throw you in the dirt if you don't do what she says and do everything to break you psychologically until you give her what she wants, but an emphatic woman does everything good not to lose you.


Thank you, I'll take a closer look at the whole thing now.


You know, behavior like this doesn't improve on its own, it just gets worse and worse! Maybe she should seek therapeutic help.


But that can also be that we rock everything too high. Imagine you have a girlfriend and she doesn't cooperate, don't you get angry that she doesn't pay attention to your feelings? Imagine you are a person who is loyal, kind, friendly, and emphatic and your sponsor is dissatisfied with your decisions and is against it. So you know that your decision is good for both of you, but your partner doesn't want to go along with it, what then?


It can be that she means everything well with him and has to worry that he cheats with another which is bad for the cheater


If I don't cooperate, she'll get mad.

That wrote the user. In plain English, this means that the partner is not ready to compromise, she only wants to get her way. His opinion is not respected at all. A partnership can't work like this, especially not in the long term.


You should carefully analyze every movement and then you will find the core of the truth. End


No, you should end such toxic relationships quickly before you perish! End!


But you could also have the experience so that the next time you are practiced or have you never had the experience and have it from reading books? End