Which TV for PS4 Pro?

- in PlayStation

I'm looking for a TV that shows my PS4 Pro to its best advantage. I do not know everything in detail, though. Have read that he needs HDR and any special HDMI connection and a high refresh rate and all that, but now I'm pretty much overwhelmed, because HDR has again different variants, hardly any manufacturers simply specify the image repetition in Hertz, I do not know if it is up the HDMI cable or the connection arrives and much more. So would be very grateful if someone could just explain to me, what really matters and what I can orient myself when buying.

If someone has a direct recommendation of a device, then always with it. Essentially, it's important to me that he's got exactly 50 inches, UHD, Smart TV and is good for playing with the PS4 Pro. I'm not looking for a top-of-the-line device that can do anything but just play something decent to play on. Budget is around 400-600 euro.


Would be interested synonymous, Namely do not have the feeling that my TV exhausted the full potential.