Is it a good idea to give this as a punishment to a pubarian?

- in PlayStation

Let's say a 13-14 year old child is full of disrespect What do you think of the punishment she is attached?

Take away the playstation

Take away the mobile phone

Take away TV

-Stick the room

While we eat pizza he gets peas


A normal conversation, peaceful grown-up and cool, so that the adolescent has a practical example for the correct course of action.

Then it's called cool play for the parents and gradual prints.

I would go straight to the Playstation for a few days or max.

Should the child not have internalized the lesson in the "probationary period", gradually and with steady and steady discussions draw further deductions. I would have classified the coming as follows:

Peas instead of pizza
room arrest

Just not completely withheld love.

All the best to you! 🌴


All nonsense and ineffective.

1st past life:

Who pampers his children himself does not have to be surprised if it also resounds.

2. If a stupid saying, immediately counter:

Loud and very clear: "I will not talk to me like that! I speak in a reasonable tone and I expect that from you!" If you wanted to go to the cinema, you can do it better. "If you talk to me like that, I do not feel like it anymore." You should not ask for more dumb things. Helpful when parents pull together!

My sons are 14 and 20 and we drove so well. The then 18-year-old once needed an "all at a table conversation", since then the tone in the family is again perfectly fine.


PS just do not let provoke, so grow up. If parents act helplessly in something like that also testifies to this. This is somewhat counterproductive and is noticed by the child. The child in mending not complete, but with trifles accommodate


What your child has everything? So many electronic toys? I can't believe it!

When pubescent children are disrespectful, it is mainly the parents who blame it. One must not and can't push all negative behavior of the children on puberty.

There's a reason for this negative behavior. Reflect on your behavior, then you know why your child is disrespectful. Of course, disrespect is unacceptable, but ask yourself where did she learn it from?

Take away food does not work. If others eat pizza and your child gets peas, that's a no go.

If you had not bought so many electronic things for your child, you would have had it easier now. Less is more. This is not educationally sensible!

A good conversation under 4 eyes would be sufficient in my opinion. You have to make basic arrangements.

What punishment? Re Restsparkling427
20 euro gift? pi picayuneemmeline