Outer worlds,. Just download update to ps4 and play the outer worlds for the first time. If this game is good, it goes that way. Or hammer? : D?

- in PlayStation

The outer worlds, … Just download update to ps4 and play the outer worlds for the first time. Is this game good, does it go like that… Or hammer? : D?


I think the game is great I don't play it myself but the lps are great and I would play it if I had a ps and you are on the road for a long time because it is an open world game

Have fun


Goes so


I can only recommend it… I have now around 30 hours at the outer worlds and is in a good mood, … Hope only… That a patch will come out, … Every now and then, even if the game rarely crashes on PS 4, … Still, … Great game, … Hope for part two…


I'm glad

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