Is a keyboard on the PS4 worth it?

- in PlayStation

Hi I've been playing F.P.S Shooter for quite a long time, and have always been playing on the ps4. A FReund of me always plays on the PC and always tells me I should buy a keyboard ne and try it because he says it is more precise, etc. Anyway, I'm now considering whether I should buy a keyboard to try out times like that is if you play on the keyboard but I always play on the controller and play with cable because the latency or the delay dam is smaller and minimal and I do not know whether or how large the delay in keyboards via USB to the Ps4 is connected and wanted to ask if it is worthwhile at all


Watch videos about it and treat yourself to mouse and keyboard, I think you need a part of what you have to buy, but it's not a problem either. Get yourself


Do you play keyboard yourself?


I saw it with a buddy and actually wanted to do the same, but now I've become a pc player


If you've always been a PS4 player, a PS4 keyboard / mouse will absolutely NOT pay, and is just kicked-out money.

I'm a PC player and I bought a mouse / keyboard for the PS4 two months ago and I have to say: these things are only partially suitable. The translation is very imprecise, spongy, hakelig, suffers from strong latency. Even as a PC player who has been gambling PC games for 10 years, the thing feels like I've never had a mouse in my hand.

Since the movement type of a mouse is different than that of an analog stick, the software tries to translate the whole thing. But this does not work properly, because if you move the mouse too slowly, nothing happens, if you move it fast, it moves slowly, if you move it slowly, it moves quickly. This is different depending on the product (I have one that belongs to the good and even that is not very cool.)

Such a thing is at best for PCler, who can't make friends with the PS4 control, but definitely unsuitable for PS4 players. Really good you will not, no matter how much experience you have on the PC.