Arguments for gaming PC?

- in PlayStation

I want to buy a gaming PC, I saved enough money and have already put it together.

However, my parents object. That if my computer was in my room, I would only play this game and you could not control how long I play.

I replied that I also do homework, for example, and that they do not control it, and if they say, for example, I can come to the PC until 4:00 p.m. That they simply come to check that I really look out could. Also that they didn't check whether I turned off the PC at the time (i.e. When I was younger and played games like Minecraft). In addition, when I play on the PS4, for example, they do not check whether I make it out in time, but do it on my own.

After that my father was calm and didn't say anything at first. Then I just asked him "So what now?". He then said that he doesn't like it that I buy a gaming PC. I asked him why and he didn't answer.

Do not feel like waiting until I'm 18 because this takes a long time and I would like to play on the PC in time.

He also said that he finds it disproportionate that I buy a gaming PC. Because I just said that I would like to play games smoothly and not with 5 FPS.
He still had the suggestion that I could invest money in the PC and that we could buy a PC where I pay for the better components.
However, I had rejected this because my parents' current PC is completely filled with files that no one needs and they would transfer the files 1: 1 from the old to the new PC.

Sorry for this documentary but what can I do?


Cloud gaming might be a solution. Shadow, for example. Do you build the PC yourself or do you buy a finished PC?


Build me a pc myself. How does cloud gaming work?


If you only gambled on the PC, I would be a little suspicious. Tell your parents what else you could do there. If you say that you would learn programming, modeling, image and video editing or anything else, your parents may agree. But then do this too and don't tell lies or anything.


Cloud gaming is actually very interesting and cheaper than a gaming PC, but first I need to know if it can work for you before I write a text on how it works. What internet speed do you have?


So without Lan cable from my room a 90ms ping.


I mean more the download and upload speed, even if the ping is not unimportant.


That's a good idea. I wanted to deal with programming anyway. But why would you be suspicious if I only gambled on the PC?


Do you need a good / fast PC for programming?


Ok, I tested it and is relatively quick.
16.9 Mbit / s download speed

7.53 Mbit / s upload speed

33ms latency


Well… Playing something now and then is fine, but if you only do it it's a bit too much, I think. Sometimes you don't have an eye on the time when you gamble and do too much.

But nice that you are interested in it. A good PC is not necessary. Any computer that is not 20 years old can do that xD.


Can be a little tight, but could be possible if the line is stable. From 15mbits, Shadow runs OK. Cloud gaming is, you basically rent a PC. Sounds strange now but wait. There are a lot of PCs somewhere in Amsterdam in a server room. For 13 euro a month you get a PC with a Gtx 1080 inside. You can think of it like a Youtube video. You enter the things on your mouse and keyboard on your PC, the inputs are sent to the PC in Amsterdam and it is transferred to your monitor like a video, so you basically control the "video". This is roughly explained. 13 euro a month is 156 euro a year, and you save me depending on how much you gamble 20-40 euro a year on electricity costs, you can also tell your parents. Let's say you buy a PC for 500 euro, for the money you rented the PC for 3 and a half years and even have a much better PC than the one for 500 euro, so I think cloud gaming is extremely worthwhile. Here are a few services that run it


GeForce Now

Google Stadia


Ok but nothing is like that for me


In the evening you can put the cable in their bedroom so that you can't gamble… You can also assemble it yourself, which you may find good, because then you will not only deal with the software but also with the hardware


Would you be suspicious? You're 15 xD yourself


Bro. Sooner or later you will need a good pc / gaming pc. You can control the times, how long you can play, or just agree with each other. But especially for school (homework, skilled work, etc.) a good PC is really necessary. And especially because you are a boy, almost everyone is in love with the digital online world. It's better to buy an expensive good pc than a cheap notebook, which you have to replace anyway. Lg


To your parents' suggestion:

Make a dual boot system.

You have your own Windows, your own new hard drives and your parents theirs. Except for the choice of the system when starting up, you notice no difference to your own computer.


You pay a monthly fee and use servers that do the computing for you. (As far as I know, you have to buy the games. I don't know what happens if you no longer have it) You can take a look around. Maybe there will be a trial month or something


GeForce now is completely free, but gives a premium paid membership.


Sometimes I behave like an adult xD. I often try to see things from the perspective of others (in this case, their parents).


Well, who has sex with 5 then. It can happen that at 15 you have a 10 year old son.


I said I try to look at it from a parent's perspective and not that I'm a parent… Lmao


That was irony…


I know xD