Play PS4 games for money?

- in PlayStation

For example, there are tournaments for certain games is clear to me. But are there any other ways to make money with easy play?

I recently saw an ad claiming that you can play FIFA duels for money. So without tournaments but really 1vs1 or whatever. Unfortunately, I do not remember the name of the page. Although I found Worldgaming but there usually seems to be only tournaments.

I would like to play something for pastime while making money. No matter how little it is. Even if it were such a nonsensical mining work. But think that there always has difficulties to exchange the acquired game currency in Euronen. Also because the game publisher prohibit?

Maybe someone knows a good way. Or also a site where there's a large community for FIFA duels for cash.


You can also farm gold in MMORPG's such as WoW and then sell it on ebay.


Hmm… You're right. But then you can sell these gefarmten coins then really. I think that there's no real interest. Especially because you could write a bot on the PC. It could quickly give many of them and then you would not need the farmenden: / so I thought in general to the PS4 instead of the PC. Which I would not care in principle. XD

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