PS4 download speed slow, what can you do?

- in PlayStation

I have a 80 mb / s connection (I know that sounds very slow to many), and the network settings of Ps4 show me a download speed of 30 mb / s. But now my big problem: with 30 mb / s I would be more than satisfied with my connection, but downloads downloads from the PS Store with about 1 - 3 Mb / s down. Can it be helped?


Connected to the LAN cable or Wi-Fi?

If WLAN takes so long to download times try with LAN cable.

If you have already tried this, unfortunately I know nothing else


80 mb / s? Slowly? A 100Mbit / s line creates just 12.1mb / s so 80 mb / s are a few hundred Mbit / s. To make one thing clear MB are not MBit!

MBit (Mega-Bit) are one-eighth of a Mega Byte (MB) so that comes with the 1-3mb / s very well out which corresponds to 30mbit / s. Now the question is the PS4 connected via Wi-Fi or via cable?


I'm sorry my mistake. Wlan, habs also tried by cable, unfortunately not better