What can I do to survive it?

- in PlayStation

Lately there are more and more problems at home because i just can't say anything anymore. My mother suffers from burnout, does not want to know anything about the youth welfare office and yes…

Since she never got any help in the past, because of my brother and sometimes because of me stayed awake for nights, you should not burden her with stress, which is why I'm mostly alone.

Social skills like games, video games and so on have never really been brought to my attention. My father was missing me for years and my mother has been skimping on the education of both of us, without being angry, because she worries and was often there for me.

However, I feel extremely alone during the week and do not go out so much anymore.

How can I survive the time when I'm not allowed to say anything and I can talk a little about my things, as well as my brother?!

My brother also raps 12 hours a day, but he can also go out if he does not have a cell phone or his PS4. He is often disrespectful and always thinks he has to do maker and make the father role.

We both only eat sweets, do not move so much etc.

What can you do there?

best regards


Ps: We have had help from YES 3 years ago, but it did not do much.


You refer to video games as "social competence"? OK. You have to leave it that way.

If you think that there are family problems with you, YOU can turn to the youth welfare office yourself. And if there's "only" a conversation between you and a consultant. That could help you just to express your worries. Something like that does not mean that your mother will somehow automatically get "trouble" from the office.


They are in the picture, as far as my situation is concerned, but I'm adult enough to master this


Obviously not. Otherwise you would not ask here. Just talk to your supervisor.


No, that was her quote.

Have called in the number against grief and said that my Ma in a rehab and should otherwise just be careful.


You have to go to a family therapy. Anyway, your parents can't talk out, they have no strength for the education. At least your brother needs a therapy against his gambling addiction. Where does he want to be when he is 18? Go again to the youth welfare.


He wants to do something with IT.

I, on the other hand, want to become a doctor, albeit with detours.

My father is never there, how should we do therapy there?

My mother is going to the clinic soon, at least for a few months. I'll probably be alone then


Does not your brother need a boarding school urgently?

You can't stay alone… Your father just runs away? Allow your mother to finally get help.


He is, but the work there with IPads, but in the holidays and at the We is gambling. By wrong friends he drinks, smokes and smokes…


Understand. Take care of you. See that you learn something decent and get out of it.


Thanks, I will too


I had to spend all my youth without a single video game. That did not hurt me.


Me too, I do not need such a filth


Why are you complaining then?


Because I miss to do something with my family…